Sorry to announce the scheduled concert will be cancelled due to a spike in COVID-19 cases within BC. We want to keep our musicians and technicians safe to stream another evening in future!
2nd Live Streaming Waterlou House Concert November 7, 2020
Postponed until further notice. We do plan to host a duo concert on Sat. Nov 14th. We will send out more information as we monitor the COVID -19 situation.
First Live Streaming Waterlou House Concert September 19, 2020
Room opens 6:30pm PDT Concert starts 7:00 pm PDT (GMT -7)
Using Cisco WebEx application available for phones, tablets or computers. Similar to Zoom, but more secure.
More precise instructions here to go to the URL typed below:
We are not inviting everyone by email, so you can click the URL below to get to the correct location. It works better if you install the app – but it will work from your browser without installing anything.
Coastal Contours Internet Concert – The Paul Plimley Trio | |
When | Sat Sep 19, 2020 18:30 – 23:30 (PDT) |
Where | https://vixmedia.my.webex.com/vixmedia.my/j.php?MTID=m0e250003f8909cd2d2b4f44c54d04d5d |
Who | Cisco Webex* |
Please go to the URL and sign in. Use the meeting password below.
Paul Plimley and Victoria Gibson invite you to join this Webex meeting. Meeting number (access code): 126 868 5994 Meeting password: 8d2yJgfXxD2 (83295439 from phones and video systems) Saturday, September 19, 20206:30 pm | (UTC-07:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) | 5 hrs |

Paul Plimley Trio = Paul Plimley, piano; Clyde Reed, string bass and Kenton Loewen, drums.
Victoria Gibson will be creating live improvised visuals using 3 cameras and a variety of graphics and effects.
Donations Accepted
This is our first streaming concert,
We are not setting a ticket price.
Anyone is free to join us in this experiment!
If you want to help pay the musicians
Support the music
Encourage the streaming concert idea
Click here to donate using PayPal with your account or credit card.

Waterlou House Concerts are a series of events usually held in the live room of Waterlou Studio. Due to COVID-19 social distancing, we are now streaming our concerts.Unfortunately, we cannot safely have a live audience.
Our next concerts in this series
You Are Here (YAH Band) Sat. Nov. 14th, 2020
Victoria Gibson and Paul Plimley
electroacoustic music duo
Paul Plimley and Torsten Mueller – Sat Nov 7th, 2020
Piano and string bass with Joshua Zubot, violin
Babin, Loewen, Plimley
String bass, drums and piano/vibraphone
More to come . . .