Gerry Fialka and Suzy Williams of Venice Beach, CA. USA
Gerry Fialka and Suzy Williams are highly creative individuals who live in Venice Beach, California. They host a website called that gives details of their various art happenings; Salons: including readings of Finnegans Wake; and live music, featuring Suzy’s performances singing with her band.
Suzy Williams with Brad Kay, a musician she plays with regularly in her L.A. based band.
Suzy performed with Paul in L.A. playing “PULL MY DAISY” together at a Jack Kerouac tribute many years ago.
Gerry connected with Paul though a shared interest in Finnegans Wake and all things related to James Joyce. They also shared a strong interest in Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart and Don Van Vliet, as well as the Grateful Dead and other experimental improvising bands.
Living in Venice Beach for more than 40 years, Gerry Fialka and Suzy Williams both make many contributions to liven up the culture in their area.
Venice Living magazine profiles Suzy Williams and Gerry Fialka
On May 31, 1994, Gerry interviewed Paul for the Contemporary Communications Conference and the entire audio recording is available on You Tube.
Gerry Fialka donated this interview to the UCSB Archive as part of Gerry Fialka “PXL THIS” and Fialka Interview Archive (PA Mss 245). Cover photo credit: Jhayne Holmes.
One of the many artistic activities that Gerry and Suzy are involved in is the PXL THIS toy camera film festival, motto: “Lo-fi Hi-Jinx”. Paul Plimley participated by collaborating with Gerry and other actors, in the PXL film, “Muther Mumesons”.
1996 PXL Toy Camera Film by Gerry Fialka, titled “Muther Mumesons”
Curious about this art form? Check out the next PXL THIS Festival.
Sun, Nov 12, 2023 =
PXL THIS 33 Toy Camera Film Festival https://www.facebook. com/events/850945209382236/
PXL THIS 30 watch?v=n37t6IFU5jQ&t=3811s and
PXL THIS 31 watch?v=TOnxqgFnMrU&t=5230s
PXL THIS 32 watch?v=CFcMoSC7idY&t=1325s
The annual toy camera film festival features Pixelvision - Fisher Price PXL200. PXL THIS, one of the oldest film festivals in LA, celebrates visionary moving image artists from seminal experimental filmmakers to 10-years-olds to homeless to professionals. Lo-Fi Hi-Jinx
Fialka donated the PXL THIS archive including festival entries and other materials to UCSB's Performing Arts and Moving Image Archives where they can be preserved and made accessible to researchers.
Fialka donated the PXL THIS archive including festival entries and other materials to UCSB’s Performing Arts and Moving Image Archives [Gerry Fialka “PXL THIS” and Fialka Interview Archive (PA Mss 245)] where they can be preserved and made accessible to researchers. Gerry also donated his archive containing interviews and oral histories he recorded: documenting music, film, art, comedy, media, and politics, including the interview of Paul Plimley (above).