
Paul Plimley was often described as a Canadian national treasure in the field of music. His legacy of written music, audio or video recordings, and papers or digital files relating to his work are being preserved and protected. This page is a listing of locations archiving the life and works of Paul Plimley.

The Paul Plimley Trio: top left Paul Plimley, piano, vibraphone; top right Kenton Loewen, drums; Lower left Clyde Reed, bass;
The Paul Plimley Trio: top left Paul Plimley, piano, vibraphone; top right Kenton Loewen, drums; Lower left Clyde Reed, bass;
Primary Archive at Simon Fraser University

All of Paul’s primary sources, (that is the archival term for works created by Paul Plimley and documents or papers relating to his career and personal life), are being held in the Paul Plimley Collection, at Simon Fraser University Archive, Burnaby campus (SFU). This collection includes recent digital files and older format materials that will be digitized over time, such as: photographs, audio and video recordings, posters and programs, newspaper articles, and many other items. When cataloguing is completed, the Paul Plimley Archive will become available to scholars and researchers and possibly online. This listing will be updated as information becomes available.

The Vancouver Jazz History Archive

In addition to the primary archive at SFU, there is a digital only archive at Capliano University founded by Jared Burrows, called the Vancouver Jazz History Archive. This archive is preserving documents and photographs relating to the history of Jazz in Vancouver. At this time, it does not accept audio or video recordings.

The materials that Victoria Gibson organized for Paul’s Celebration of Life Memorial Art Exhibit, she also digitized and submitted to Capilano University and SFU Archives.

2023 Paul Plimley Celebration of Life Cover by Jhayne Holmes. Photo Credit: Chris Cameron.
2023 Paul Plimley Celebration of Life Cover by Jhayne Holmes. Photo Credit: Chris Cameron.

 “The materials in the Paul Plimley Memorial Art Exhibit will be available in digital form later in 2023 through the Vancouver Jazz History Archive at Capilano University .” says Jared Burrows.

This archive is already on-line with more materials being added as contributions are processed. Type “plimley” into the search to see items related to Paul Plimley in this Archive.


SUBMIT TO CAPILANO ARCHIVE – If you have paper materials or photographs related to the Vancouver jazz and improvised music scene and would like to have them digitized and preserved, please contact the archive founder, Jared Burrows


The Canadian Music Centre has accepted Paul Plimley as an Associate Composer member, so his written compositions will be available soon on their website. Paul wanted his music to continue to be performed and recorded. The original paper copies of older compositions and all digital files will also be held at SFU Archive.


During his lifetime, Paul set up a Bandcamp page for his recordings released on his own label, Waterlou Records.

Paul’s website will continue to be maintained and updated by Victoria Gibson, his Executor.